Sunday, October 23, 2011

8: Prize-Giving Day 1986

As reward for their hard work and effort during the school year, diligent students were proud to receive their reward at the School Annual Prize-Giving Day.

7: School Camp

The school camp was always an exciting time for the students. Here they are: enjoying a camp-fire activity during school camp.

6: KPS Principal in other school functions

As KPS Principal, it was also my duty to attend other school functions to lend support to them. Here are 2 samples of the matter.

5: MP came to help

Early one morning, tragedy struck: one of our pupils was killed when the school-bus she was travelling in collided with a heavy vehicle.
There was heavy sadness in the school. Luckily, MP for Kembangan Mr Yatiman Yusof came to know about the accident. He took time off from his busy schedule to visit the school and gave useful advice to all concerned, including the victim's classmates.
Thank you, Mr Yatiman, for being so caring.

4: Teachers' Day 1986

In honour of teachers, the school celebrated Teachers' Day with a concert in which the students took part. At the concert, all the teachers were presented with an orchid flower by the pupils. I too was presented with an orchid flower by the School Prefect on behalf of all the students.

3: My School Leaders

The Subject Co-ordinators were the school leaders of the time, helping the Principal to supervise the teaching of the various subjects.